Video Clips
Vimeo and YouTube both have some video recordings of Al Barz.
My response to being stuck in the house during the lockdown imposed on UK population in 2020 and 2021, is this light-hearted video poem on YouTube:
There is also the first video poem response to the lockdown restriction and how we are affected by it.
Corona Control
On Vimeo there are two or three poetry videos created by Al Barz from his repertoire of live or simply recorded work. Like this, about his father:
Patina Paternus
Creative Black Country have commissioned quite a lot of videos, artwork, music and newspaper articles, etc. including this created by Al for their Bostin News project and organised by Heather Wastie. It was made during and influenced by the coronavirus pandemic outbreak in 2021, but refers to a previous time of an epidemic and the positive outcome it produced.
Rising From a Pandemic
Here is Al’s entry to a video Zoom broadcast about the weather in 2021
Too Much Rain
Pat The Bull films recorded two of Al’s performance pieces at an event in Birmingham’s the Custard Factory run by the wonderful photographic artist, Najma Hush AKA Photogiraffe.
“Don’t Walk!”
Andy Jones quietly uploaded Al’s headline performance at Confab Cabaret in Malvern, an exciting and highly popular event put together by the very talented Amy Rainbow and Catherine Crossley.